Florent Jamet
Junior Level/Game Designer

Les Portes de Dédale

Les Portes de Dédale is a game created during a game jam for the Montpellier Opera. We were tasked with creating a game for the interlude of an opera using the story of Daedalus.


  • Level Designer
  • Game Designer
  • Main Soft

  • Affinity Designer
  • Logo_Unity
  • Unity
  • Logo_Github
  • Github
  • PorteDédal_Cap1 PorteDédal_Cap2 PorteDédal_Cap3 PorteDédal_Cap4

    With my team, we created an arcade game in which the player embodies Theseus, who needs to defeat the Minotaur by activating traps.

    We created four maze sections with traps and doors. The exits of these maps are positioned in the same location to create a random maze at the beginning.