Florent Jamet
Junior Level/Game Designer


Tiny Guardian was created for Ludum Dare 40. The theme for this jam was "The more you have, the worse it is."


  • Level Designer
  • Game Designer
  • Main Soft

  • Affinity Designer
  • Logo_Unity
  • Unity
  • Logo_Github
  • Github
  • TinyGuardian_Cap1 TinyGuardian_Cap2 TinyGuardian_Cap3 TinyGuardian_Cap4

    With my team, we decided to create a Shoot'em up where you play as a red fox who can shoot two types of bullets, similar to Ikaruga. The enemies shoot bullets matching their color.

    The player can collect various boost items: the rice bowl and the weight. The rice bowl slows down the character and adds more projectiles. The weight speeds up the character's movement.

    The levels are structured in opponent waves. To unlock the next wave, the player needs to achieve a certain score rank. Each wave has a different pattern to avoid repetitiveness and provide a varied experience for the player.