Florent Jamet
Junior Level/Game Designer

Tactical Project


  • Programmation
  • Game Design
  • Main Soft

  • Unreal
  • Logo_Github
  • Github
  • Tactical_Cap1

    I want to create a tactical game with vertical gameplay.

    This project is currently in progress. I have worked on it for one month so far. It is being developed in Unreal Engine 5 using blueprints.


    I have started with the camera movement. The player can rotate it, zoom in and out, and move it along the X and Y axes.


    For the grid, I used a texture generation that I made to fit the environment. I can adjust its size using integers for the X and Y axes.


    "If I want a non-square level, I have implemented the ability to add, remove, and also move tiles up or down.


    With the intention of providing better visibility, I created a tactical view. Using this view, I designed different tiles that either cost more movement points or cannot be used if the character cannot fly.


    I used the A* algorithm for pathfinding. It works well in this case and can take the terrain into account.